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Meet Our Brilliant Clients

Serving the Portland Community, Buiness and Government


“If I had to pick one word for how this process affected me, it would ‘liberating’. I feel liberated to own any space I occupy, whether it’s in the community, at work or in my personal life. I can own my space. No more and no less.”

– Juan Carlos Gonzalez”
“In just two short years, the team launched themselves from the lowest possible scores to the highest – quite an impressive achievement and one to be celebrated.”

– The Division of Hillsboro Parks and Recreation”
“Michelle has this skill to connect deeply, on an intuitive level.”

– Todd Smith, Regional Vice President of Sales for LaPrarie”
“Michelle has this skill to connect deeply, on an intuitive level.”

– Todd Smith, Regional Vice President of Sales for LaPrarie”

Clients Served

We Have Helped Grow Leadership Teams of All Sizes from a Diversity of Industries

Our approach elevates human potential wherever there is curiosity and openness for growth.

We equip leaders to do the work that only they can do within their specialty and domain of expertise – from government to education, from organizations to companies, from products to services.